Newfoundland – A noble and magnificent dog of impressive power adorned with an exceptionally gentle and obedient nature

Newfoundland – A noble and magnificent dog of impressive power adorned with an exceptionally gentle and obedient nature
Vrijeme čitanja / Reading Time: 14 min

We have long borne the idea of ​​presenting dog breeds to our readers, visitors of ,,THE DOG REPUBLIC’’ portal, through the eyes of the breeders, through their vision and experiences, from breeders – true and sincere race lovers. We agreed with more breeders and waited …

Finally, the opportunity suddenly emerged, with the arrival of a new vicious and unfortunate corona virus; COVID-19, there is a limited movement, (self) isolation, and we “found” the necessary time and the previously agreed works began to arrive, so we begin the realization of our long-standing desire, the new section ” BREED THROUGH THE EYES OF BREEDERS”, arrives on our pages.

We thought for a long time, what breed to start with and decided on a Newfoundland dog, not so common breed in this region. In front of you is the first story from the pen of Zoran Trivunčić, B.Sc. Eng. of agriculture and a breeder of these extremely kind and calm dogs who love children and above all love water.

Do not forget: Respect the orders of the competent services, related to the COVID-19 pandemic, BE RESPONSIBLE: #Stayhome !!!

You can read an interesting and instructive story below …

By Zoran Trivunčić, breeder of Newfoundland dogs and dipl. Eng. of Agriculture / Photo: Archive of Zoran Trivunčić /Translation:Biserka Stojanović (Headlines and Text editing by editors).


Like all other essential things in life, my encounter with a Newfoundland dog happened by accident. I met my first Newfoundland dog at a schoolmate in Donja Gradina, near Kozarska Dubica. I was in awe of a huge black female. I used to be scared of dogs, both big and small. I somewhat overcome that fear when I got my daughter a poodle. But when I saw a 60-kilogram dog, I didn’t feel confident. My friend assured me that it was safe for us to enter the yard and guaranteed that she was not aggressive. My daughter was delighted, she adores dogs. And then when she saw the puppies she as head over heels happy. We talked for a long time about the breed and the character of Newfies and that’s when I wished to have them. Gentle giants without a bit of aggression. Of course, like any breed, aggression can be created by people’s inappropriate behavior towards their dogs. A chain, a small box from which they do not go out for days, lack of socialization with other dogs can make an aggressive dog out of a Newfie. But these are rare exceptions, far rarer in Newfoundlanders than in some other breeds.

Lena, Lasa and Ismail with my parents, Backa Palanka, 2018

The decision was made, the Newfoundlanders are coming to our family. I got the first two females in Bosnia and Herzegovina. When I brought them to my parents, my father was delighted. We knew almost nothing about dogs except a little poodle that was a pet. We learned every day about nutrition, protection against ticks, intestinal parasites, hair maintenance. We made mistakes regularly and learned from them, sometimes the hard way, sometimes the easier way. That was the start of the Little Black Giants Newfoundland kennel. The Newfoundlanders are big dogs, growing very fast, and soon we had two huge dogs that we couldn’t overmaster. They jumped on us as soon as they saw us, and when Newfie jumps, it licks you on the face with no problem. It was time to get a professional trainer to help us. The females were already at puberty, and they obeyed to us perfectly… when they wanted it, and when they didn’t, then we had a problem… They learned to obey to basic commands when alone with us, but as soon as they were together, they were racing into the lake without reacting to the ban…

Una and Ismail, Backa Palanka 2018
Handler Dragan and Young Champion Ismail, Novi Sad 2018, BOB, BOG3


But over time, they also calmed down a bit, learned the rules of fine behavior, and we got ready for exhibitions slowly. There are not many representatives of this noble race in Serbia, so there was not much competition at the exhibitions either. Only by meeting someone from abroad could we get a realistic comment on the quality of our dogs. Of course, they were not top quality, but it was important to us that they were healthy, beautiful and in FCI standard. And so, I became a fan of this beautiful, noble and beautiful breed of dogs. Then the first litters came. We were overjoyed. With the knowledge gained through the internet, the first births started. Everything was new for both us and our females, but nature, with our little help, fortunately did its thing. We got 14 beautiful Newfies in two litters. A great deal of work awaited us in the next two, three months. We found new families for them in the region, from Bulgaria to Italy.

The next step was to find the male, he arrived from Russia. We were lucky, he was a top representative of his breed named Darkflight Ismail. With him, we entered the world of cynology, competitions, hanging out with breeders from other countries and learning about breed.

In Serbia, he had little competition in exhibitions. He has won many exhibitions in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro, and has earned the title of International Champion. Beautiful head, perfect hair, and his character is a special story. In the ring, he acted as if it was the most normal thing to run, standing as he was buried while the judge examined him, again running with the other breed representatives and taking his own cup as the breed champion. We got a puppy from Ismail’s brother’s litter, from Russia. Ernesto called Che. The road to our family was 4000km long. It was worth it, a wonderful character, loves to cuddle. We hope he will be as successful as Ismail.

Carmen and Ismail, Nemetinci 2019

„Little Black Giants“

Currently at Little Black Giants kennel, we have a young male Che, a two-year-old Carmen beauty and two young females. Neytiri, daughter of Carmen and Ginger who recently arrived from Croatia. We aim to have the full backyard of the top Newfoundlanders and to improve the quality of this wonderful breed in the region. And, first and foremost, healthy and tested Newfs, because genetically transmitted diseases are a big problem for Newfoundlanders in the world. We do not yet have the required tests for hip and elbow dysplasia and a large number of domestic breeders breed dogs that do not know whether they are transmitting these diseases to their descendants. A major problem for this breed is heart failure, which leads to the death of dogs early in life. There is also a problem with diet, supplements recommended by vets. Until recently, mandatory calcium, which has been recommended for large breeds of dogs from three months to one year of age, is counterproductive, according to new research. It leads to joint ossification and promotes dysplasia. We learn from experienced breeders, listen to the recommendations of FCI judges specializing in breeds and apply that knowledge to our dogs.

Una Trivunčić and Carmen, Lake on Fruska Gora 2019.


Fighting these problems, we test our dogs for dysplasia, heart failure and cystinuria, which is also common in the breed. We protect them from ticks, fleas, intestinal parasites, and recently from heartworms. We hope that Serbia will also become known as a country of quality, healthy and beautiful Newfoundlanders. Our puppies are scattered all over Europe, Canada and, since this year, in America. Young male Neo Toruk Makto, has already won numerous titles in the US in the class of the youngest.

Ismail on Đurđevića Tara, Crna Gora , 2018.


The Newfoundland Dog, a popular Newfie is the perfect dog for families with children, for the elderly who love nature, long, easy walks, staying by the rivers and lakes. Not an overly demanding dog, most of the day enjoying in the shade. A little bit more hair care is needed than for other breeds, regularly combing, occasionally bathing and pulling out a dead coat with a hairdryer and combs. If you live in an apartment, you just need more frequent bathing and you will not have an excessive problem with hair in the apartment. But Newfie is still a dog for the yard. They are happier outside, they love being near people and loneliness can be hard for them. In addition to water, they adore snow and colder weather. They enjoy running and rolling in the snow.

Our future: Neytiri and Ginger; Zuce-Avala, Belgrade,2020.

Newfies love easy walks in the nature, running and playing as they see fit. When they get tired, they prefer to nap in the thick shade. They love swimming for which nature has endowed them with swimming skins, with their fingers connected like a duck’s. In their homeland in Newfoundland, Canada, they served to help fishermen pull their nets. This is where their natural instinct for drowning rescues is noticed. This feature was later developed by dressage to rescue people from the sea, lakes and rivers. Trained Newfies jump into the water from the shore, or from the boat or even from the helicopter and pull the stranglers to safety. They grab them by the upper arm with their teeth and pull them to shore.

Couple 2nd place, Carmen and Ismail, DUB DOG FEST 2019, Kozarska Dubica 2019

Newfoundlanders are big, massive dogs but they don’t give the impression of sluggishness. Strong skeleton, strong body impresses with speed and agility. The character is extremely gentle and obedient. The colors allowed by the FCI standard are black, which can have whites on paws, chest and tail, brown and white-black. The US AKC standard also allows grey and brown with whites. With us, the most common Newfies are completely black or black with white spots. Height and weight are average for males 71cm and 64-69kg, and females 66cm and 50-54kg. Pretty big and heavy dogs, requiring plenty of space to live.

Unfortunately, this breed, like all big ones, has one big flaw – they live on average for about 10 years. The lifespan can be extended by proper care and satisfaction of all dog’s needs.

They have also served as fishing and rescue dogs for many years, and today they are used for these purposes as dogs to assist the elderly, but also as escort and companion dogs. Lonely old men and women can rely on them when climbing stairs, helping to carry things the shop or from the market, because Newfoundland can carry loads of up to twenty pounds.

Throughout the world, the Newfoundlands are trained to rescue from water, ruins, snow, towing sleds and carts, but above all, as companion dogs.

FCI-Standard N° 50:

Newfoundland dog breeder ”Little Black Giants”, Zuce-Avala, Belgrade 2019


Entertaining a Newfoundlander is a big decision and shouldn’t be made in a hurry. Like all dogs, they look for love, lots of space, time, superb nutrition while in intense growth due to bones and tendons and of course, higher costs for health care. Due to their size, the costs of vets are higher, more tablets for parasite cleaning, the higher the prices of interventions, sterilization. And of course, a higher amount of quality food is also required for nutrition. The Newfoundlander eats 700-1000gr of grained food a day, depending on the type and manufacturer. That is over 20 kg of food per month.

“Little Black Giants” at night, Zuce-Avala, Belgrade 2019

Think carefully if you are ready to commit to a dog like this, because the Newfoundlander also needs daily attention. Another important characteristic of the breed is that it salivates. It depends on each dog, but shortening the muzzle, which is a trend in dog breeding for this breed, we also get more saliva, which is stronger when you give them food, treats and when they drink water. So, who likes to have everything perfectly clean in the house, doesn’t like saliva stains, paw prints, maybe he needs to think again if a Newfie is a right dog for him. And whoever decides to take the Newf, has been given the love of that noble breed for life. The amount of love they provide is commensurate with their size.

In addition to its beauty and imposing appearance, the main feature of the Newfoundlanders is its noble character. Behind this massive phenomenon lies a gentle soul, without aggression and with a huge amount of love for humans and other dogs, and even cats when they grow up next to them. Probably that strength and greatness makes them such that aggression has not even been needed in centuries past when they are human friends. All that remains is love, as much as you give it to them, it will pay you back multiple times.

The first successes in exhibitions in America, Neo Toruk Makto, Hutchinson, USA, 2020.

They do not need much care, they need combing once a week, swimming whenever possible, quality food, with the emphasis on big and strong of those dogs whose energy needs and calcium are very important. The only thing that bothers them is the heat, so in the summer they should never be left alone in the car or to wait in the sun.

In exchange for a little care and attention, they will faithfully love you, guard you, and follow you wherever you go: Newfoundland is a noble and magnificent dog of impressive strength, adorned with an extremely gentle and obedient nature. From personal experience I can only say that you will not regret for a moment if you get this wonderful breed of dog as a pet!


When we were already planning for major European exhibitions with Ismail, we were surprised by something we had only read about in the literature. Heartworm. It is transmitted by common mosquitoes, and dogs are the perfect hosts for the development of larvae of this parasite. They are most widespread near the Sava and Danube rivers. Ismail became infected in Backa Palanka, during daily swimming in the Danube. There were high temperatures, temperatures around 40 ° C and it was normal for our dogs to be calm, in the thick shade. But one afternoon Ismail coughed, and it repeated several times during the evening. The vet came in the morning, took out blood for testing, but told me there was a great possibility he had been infected with a heartworm. The test confirmed the doubts. Treating this parasite takes a long time. The antibiotics are first given to stabilize the damage done by the worm and after two weeks starts a systematic attack on the worms that lasts for about 6 months. The heart of our gentle giant did not endure, it stopped after 14 days of therapy. It is too late for Ismail, but we have been protecting our other dogs against this parasite since April until the end of October. Therefore, it is advisable for dogs to be protected by mosquito repellents or prevent them from staying on the dog for longer time.


Elegant Missy was the most beautiful puppy in our first litter. Beautiful white paws, as if dipped in milk. Character was excellent, cheerful and playful puppy that loves to cuddle. We found her a wonderful family in Senta with a little girl. But as unforeseen circumstances happen in life, so this family has moved abroad and could not keep her after two years. We brought her back to us, cleared her from the parasite, repaired the weight and sterilized her. Missy acted like she grew up with us. She’s still a big and playful cuddler.

Una Trivunčić and puppy: We play and cuddle a little bit… 

Isidora from Novi Sad called me and asked to buy a puppy to become a therapy dog for Arsen, a wonderful boy with special needs and marked hyperactivity. I offered them Missy as a gift because she grew up with a girl and is a perfectly socialized dog. The first boy-dog meeting did not go as we expected. The boy was nervous and showed no interest in the dog. We tried again next Sunday. Missy was careful, approached the boy, who stroked her fearlessly, thrust his hands into her mouth and played with her. Andjela, Arsen’s older sister was delighted. They decided to take her. 

They prepared a bed in Andjela’s room for Missy. We were not mistaken, in a few days the dog relaxed completely and assumed the role of nanny, like Nany from the fairy tale about Peter Pan. Andjela gets a buddy who accompanies her to the toilet at night, plays in the park with her, and Arsen gets a guard for who calms him down and excels at his confidence. He is proud when he walks in the park, and people comment that he has a beautiful dog… Isidora and her husband, both PhDs, told me that Missy had done more for Arsen than all the therapists together so far.

“Nanny” Missy and Arsen,Novi Sad 2020.


Besides Lord Byron, the owners and lovers of this breed were: Walter Scott, Charles Dickens, Robert Brns, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, King Edward VII of England, Senator Bob Kennedy and many others. Ever since Byron’s time onwards Englishmen were and still are in love with this dog breed.

George Gordon Byron
Lord Byron built a magnificent mausoleum for his dog Boatswain in Newstead Abbey and wrote on it one of the most beautiful epitaphs ever written.

In the beginnings of socializing with the Newfies, I spoke to a lady from Slovenia, who is a breeder of the Newfoundlanders. She told me Newfies are like fries, you can’t take one: You always want to have more and more of them …

She was right, there’s no better luck than having a family in the backyard with a handful of gentle giants.

Just like in the song “Epitaph to the dog”, also known as the Inscription on the Newfoundland Dog Monument, written by the great English poet George Gordon Byron in 1808 in honor of his loyal friend Dog Boutswayne, a Newfoundland dog that died from rabies:

“Near this Spot
are deposited the Remains of one
who possessed Beauty without Vanity,
Strength without Insolence,
Courage without Ferosity,
and all the virtues of Man without his Vices.”

Written: March 30th 2020. Zuce – Avala, Belgrade

Zoran Trivuncic “Little Black Giants” kennel

(Headlines and Text editing by THE DOG REPUBLIC)

Zoran Trivunčić: About me…

Zoran Trivuncic: From personal
experience I can only say that you will not regret for a moment if you get this wonderful dog breed as a pet!

I was born in Jasenovac in 1976, in Croatia, where I graduated from elementary school and first grade of high school. I continued my education at the High School of Mechanical Engineering in Zemun.

After graduating from high school, I enrolled in the College for Mechanical Engineering in Zemun, majoring in Mechanization and Mechanical Structures, and after becoming an advanced university student in 2000, I enrolled in the Faculty of Agriculture in Zemun, majoring in Agricultural Engineering and graduated as a student of the generation. I work in the biggest wholesale company for car parts in Serbia named Wagen International on a position of a Product manager.

I have been in cynology for five years and own a Newfoundland Dog Kennel – “Little Black Giants”. I currently have 4 dogs of this wonderful, giant breed, and our puppies live all over Europe; from Portugal, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Hungary and the entire region of the former Yugoslavia to Finland, Bulgaria, Greece and we are especially proud of having our puppies in Canada and in the United States.

The goal of the breeding is to create a self-sufficient kennel with a dozen top quality and healthy Newfoundland dogs, living with dogs and traveling around Europe and the world to the biggest shows, making new friends with our puppy customers and developing this breed in our country and in the region.

THE DOG REPUBLIC (02.4.2020.)